Change is the Constant
and it’s business opportunity in disguise
Who likes forced change? {crickets} In a fast-changing landscape, those who adapt quickest tend to win biggest. Here are some changes we’re exploring:
Move or Die
Far from new but still new to many marketers, motion and interaction have gone from “nice-to-haves” to “must-haves” on some level. This includes:
- Video for business has been proven to increase engagement across business categories, both onsite and on social media channels
- Interactive elements triggered by user behavior (scrolling, hover states, clicks and taps) signal responsiveness and hold user interest
- Time-based interactions can be used to re-engage dormant or distracted visitors
Mobile Rules
Across every business category, mobile screens have become primary viewports. Those who optimize for mobile experience benefit from increased customer response and favorable search engine ranking.
- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) are perfect for screens of any size, razor sharp, and generally ultra-light (digital filesize-speaking)
- Screen-optimized Forms make even long forms like medical records very usable for waiting customers. Better access always results in more use and happier clients.
- QR-Coded Promotions make mobile access so much easier than typing in long strings of complex addresses
Technology Changes
We’ve retired more than one favorite software package over the years (Quark XPress, PageMaker, and many whose names we can’t remember). While our primary creative tools continue to be members of the Adobe Creative Suite, new tools are tested and Rive, Mamp Pro, and DaVinci Resolve are currently in testing.
The Ai-liphant in the Room

Like most businesses, we’ve been integrating AI into various parts of our workflow—research, text content development, meeting notes, image generation. Powerful tools are clearly better with expert guidance, and avoiding them is as foolish as fully depending on them.
As of this writing, image-generation is limited to raster graphics and some video sequences. Vector graphics (including SVG and proprietary formats) are so far untouched, but they can’t be that far behind.
Executive Summary
Embracing change as business opportunity means recognizing opportunities and leveraging them with the wisdom of experience. Some of the most exciting solutions combine old and new for never-before-possible competitive advantage. Have an idea you’d like to explore? We’re happy to sign your NDA to discuss!
Call or Text to discuss your website or communications questions: (313) 723-4023